Amsterdam Circuit

Amsterdam Circuit, Nederland, Europe

DifficultyTotal LengthLongest StraightTurns
track difficult 24901m250m27

Amsterdam Circuit Cornering Guide

Amsterdam Circuit Sector 1 – 1363m
Amsterdam Circuit S1
1. When approaching the red water-filled barriers, induce a drift and clip the apex for Turn 1.
2. Slightly adjust the car and clip the apexes to drive through consecutive full-throttle corners.
3. After exiting the full-throttle corner, maneuver and hit the apex of Turn 3. Then control your speed and grip through next turn. Once out, keep to the left.
4. For Turn 4, drift once you have reached the white barrier, and stick to the right to exit.
5. Start drifting once you have reached the white water-filled barrier and clip the apex to clear Turn 5.
6. Think it as one big U turn. Keep to the left, start drifting when you reach the water-filled [Airier and go for a larger turning radius for a faster drift. End the drift midway into Turn 8, and aim for the next apex.
7. Straighten your car and drive through Turn 8 at full throttle. Once out, keep to the right.
Amsterdam Circuit Sector 2 – 1156m
Amsterdam Circuit S2
8. Decelerate before entering the turn, start drifting when you reach the water-filled barrier and drift through Turn 9 by staying close to the apex. Avoid the grasses as you could skid out of control. You can straight back from the drift when you pass the leaves and aim for the next apex.
9. Turn 10 has multiple full-throttle corners, not a big issue if you stay close to the apex. Avoid the grasses as you could skid out of control.
10. You need to decelerate or go easy on the throttle to clear Turn 11.
11. Before entering the turn, stay to the right and prepare to go left. Start drifting as you approach the track’s shadow. Avoid the grasses as you could skid out of control. Once out, maintain speed and stay to the left.
12. Accelerate and turn left to clear Turn 13
13. When you have reached the red water-filled barrier, control your speed and turn right inlAdvance, then clip the apex of Turn 14. Avoid the grasses as it could be bumpy. Aim for the apex of the next turn, and keep to the right once out of the turn.
14. ?????????
Amsterdam Circuit Sector 3 – 982m
Amsterdam Circuit S3
15. Start drifting once you have reached the slop before the corner. Approach the apex, and once you are out of the turn, try to use the space in front of the parking lot to do a large angle drift and maintain high speed. Avoid bumping into the barrier when exiting the turn.
16. After exiting the previous turn, approach the apex of Turn 16 from the outside of the track. Once you have passed the apex and reach where the light and shadow from the street light on the right meet, drift to clear the
next turn
17. Grip through Turn 17. Avoid hitting the barriers as you exit the turn by slightly going easy on the throttle or decelerating.
18. Turn 18 has a big radius and can be cleared by gripping. As the track is quite narrow, avoid hitting the barriers as you exit the turn by slightly going easy on the throttle or decelerating
19. Drive along the track to clear Turn 19, keep to the left to exit the turn.
Amsterdam Circuit Sector 4 – 1483m
Amsterdam Circuit S4
20. Drive through Turn 20 at full throttle. Enter the turn from slightly left of the middle of the track. Once out, keep to the left and aim for the next turn.
21. Aconsecutive S turn. Once you Pass Turn 24’s apex, decelerate and clear the next turn by staying close to its apex.
22. Keep to the left to clear Turn 22.
23. Decelerate and turn towards the apex as you approach the mint green house. Use a small yaw angle at the apex to clear Turn 23.
24. Grip through Turn 24, and control the speed as you exit. It could get a bit bumpy in the turn, 0 remember to keep the car steady.
25. Turn 25 is a big radius, fast turn. Slowly adjust the direction and maintain acceleration
26. Turn 26 consists of consecutive full-throttle corners. Follow the driving line between the apexes and blast through at full throttle
Amsterdam Circuit Elevation Change


Amsterdam Circuit Master

Amsterdam Circuit Map

Amsterdam Circuit Route

Amsterdam Circuit Lap

Amsterdam Circuit Track

Amsterdam Track Layouts

The capital and largest city of the Netherlands, located in the countrys western province of Noord-Holland. It is the financial and cultural capital of the Netherlands and has many tourist attractions, including the historic network of canals, the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh Museum, the Anne Frank House, the red light district, and many cannabis cafes. Amsterdam has gone through the development process from a fishing village to an international metropolis, experienced glory and destruction, and the baptism of world wars. To a certain extent, her history is also a microcosm of Dutch history.

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Tags: Amsterdam, Amsterdam Circuit, Amsterdam Tracks, Europe

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