Chicago Mini Circuit Reverse

Chicago Mini Circuit Reverse, united-states USA, North America

DifficultyTotal LengthLongest StraightTurns
track difficult 22086m350m8

Chicago Mini Circuit Reverse Cornering Guide

Chicago Mini Circuit Reverse Sector 1 – 539m
Chicago Mini Circuit Reverse S1
1. Turn 1 features a wider track. Drift past it like it is a single Uturn. Drift at the start of the road shoulder on the inside.
2. Stay close to the road shoulder and grip through Turn 2.
Chicago Mini Circuit Reverse Sector 2 – 521m
Chicago Mini Circuit Reverse S2
3. Start drifting at the intersection of the bridges to get past Turn 3.
4. Drift at the point where the barrier on the right starts to change to get through Turn 4.
Chicago Mini Circuit Reverse Sector 3 – 714m
Chicago Mini Circuit Reverse S3
5. Turn 5 forms an S curve that goes to the right before turning left. Stay on the left side of the road and drift slightly at the two parterres. Point the front of the car at the exit of the Scurve to get around the corner.
6. Turn 6 is a medium-radius Uturn. Drift through it directly from the inside.
Chicago Mini Circuit Reverse Sector 4 – 582m
Chicago Mini Circuit Reverse S4
7. Use the right shoulder as a reference point and clip the apex to get around Turn 7. Continue to point the front of the car towards the left to create space for drifting in the next turn.
8. Start drifting from the second last bridge pillar on the left through the apex to clear Turn 8. The turn is followed by a long straight road. Straighten your car as quickly as possible and recover lost speed.
Chicago Mini Circuit Reverse Elevation Change
Chicago Mini Circuit Reverse Elevation Change

Chicago Track Layouts

Located in the northeastern cor the US state of Illinois and west of Lake Michigan, Chicago is a flat land wit a continental humid climate and four distinct seasons. The city is an important railway and aviation hub and one of the major financial, futures and commodity trading centers in the United States. Since its establishment in 1837 and afoter more than a hundred years of development, it has become a metropolis with global influence.


Chicago Mini Circuit Reverse Racing Master

Chicago Mini Circuit Reverse Map

Chicago Mini Circuit Reverse Route

Chicago Mini Circuit Reverse Lap

Chicago Mini Circuit Reverse Track

(Visited 34 times, 1 visits today)
Tags: America, Chicago, Chicago Tracks, North America

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